Cultivating Lifelong Learning Since 1969

Cultivating Lifelong Learning Since 1969

Cultivating Lifelong Learning Since 1969

Cultivating Lifelong Learning Since 1969

Cultivating Lifelong Learning Since 1969

We Are Mercy

MERCY MONTESSORI provides a world-class education and a strong foundation for learning and discovery as Greater Cincinnati, Ohio’s first and oldest Montessori school. Mercy Montessori is a private, Catholic Montessori School offering a special educational and life experience for children from pre-kindergarten through eighth grade. The student population is 305 pupils, with a student/teacher ratio of 15:1, ensuring that we know every child by name and can tailor an educational experience uniquely suited to each one.  Mercy Montessori is a sponsored ministry of the Institute of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas and is a member of Mercy Education.

News Feed

Ideal Graduate Statements

October 27, 2012

The ideal graduate from Mercy Montessori Center will: Make moral, sound decisions based on the Gospel message. Be an active participant in church or place of worship. Be grounded in the Catholic faith and have an open respect and appreciation of other faiths. Possess a solid grasp of the fundamentals of mathematics, language arts, social…