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Spring Fling
100% of the proceeds from the event and auction will benefit Mercy Montessori’s need-based financial aid fund.
What is Spring Fling?
What: Mercy’s annual Spring Fling is a fun party and the sole event that raises money for need-based financial aid for Mercy students – 100% of proceeds are allocated and restricted for this purpose.
Who: Current Parents, Mercy Staff, Alumni Families & Friends (for adults 21 and over)
Why: Spring Fling makes a Mercy education accessible to many who, even with the sliding scale tuition, could not otherwise access it. This event is crucial to the success of our entire community as everyone benefits from a student population that is socio-economically diverse and inclusive.
- All Mercy financial aid is need-based, with the exception of discounts provided to families with 3+ enrolled students, as well as to full-time staff (both common practices among private schools).
- Applicants for need-based financial aid are required to provide documentation, including federal income tax returns, so that their need is verified. These decisions are evaluated by FACTS, a third party administrator, which makes recommendations to Mercy as to the determined financial need of each applicant.
- Mercy maximizes income from other financial aid sources before making its own financial aid determinations. In the 2020-2021 school year, Mercy added another outside source, EdChoice, in addition to the Archdiocesan Tuition Assistance program. This is done to ultimately allow Mercy to allocate Spring Fling funds to fill the remaining need in the most impactful and equitable manner.
- Mercy’s financial aid is predominantly given to families earning <$100k annually.
- Many families do not permanently stay on financial aid. Some need temporary assistance during periods of hardship. Financial aid allows children to stay at Mercy and provides consistency for the child’s education.
Spring Fling Over The Years
We are incredibly grateful for our school community who has supported the annual Spring Fling fundraiser for over 20 years. These vital funds directly support Mercy’s Financial Aid program which provides assistance to our currently enrolled families. We send our most sincere thanks to our event supporters for their generosity and caring hearts.