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SGO (Scholarship Granting)
Great news for anyone who pays Ohio income tax and supports Mercy Montessori!
You can help make the cost of a Mercy education more affordable while reducing your Ohio income tax liability!
The State of Ohio recently created a program that allows taxpayers to receive a dollar-for-dollar tax credit on their Ohio income taxes equal to the amount donated, up to $750 per individual or $1,500 for joint filers. All you have to do is make a qualified donation to the Scholarship Granting Organization (SGO) which will benefit Mercy Montessori.
(Please note: If you file a married joint return, each taxpayer would need to make their own $750 contribution to claim the maximum of $1,500. Separate acknowledgement letters will be provided for documentation of your gifts.)
The Archdiocese of Cincinnati has established an SGO as an easy way to take advantage of this opportunity. You can click here to make a gift and direct it to Mercy Montessori. Remember to select "Mercy Montessori" on the drop down screen (see photo) to make sure your gift supports Mercy students and families.
You can also give by writing a check and mailing it in with this form.
For more information, here is a link to the Ohio Revised Code 5747.73 and a link to the Archdiocese SGO information page. Or you can contact Kristin Weiss, Director of Development, at kweiss@mercymontessori.org with any questions.
We hope you are able to take advantage of this new Ohio tax credit (or can help us spread the word about the program). Your gift will enable children to attend Mercy who would not otherwise have the opportunity to do so. We are deeply grateful for your generosity. Thank you for your support!
P.S. If you are able to donate, we would love to recognize you as a sponsor of Spring Fling, our annual event that raises money for need-based financial aid for Mercy students. Please share your email confirmation receipt (titled "Your gift was processed - Thank You!") or your gift acknowledgement letter to Kristin at kweiss@mercymontessori.org. Thank you!