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Athletics & Extracurriculars
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Click on a sport below to learn more about the program:
Soccer is the largest sport at Mercy Montessori. Approximately 120 Mercy students play soccer each school year. The school participates in both the fall and spring seasons in Soccer Association Youth (SAY). The Fall season begins in early-September and runs through October. The spring season runs from early-April through May. Practices generally start several weeks before both seasons. Player registration takes place in January for the spring season and in May for the fall season.
Age Eligibility & Divisions
SAY Soccer is based upon a player’s age as of July 31 in the current year, not what grade they are in. Here are the SAY divisions:
Passers (ages 6-7), Wings (ages 8-9), Strikers (ages 10-11) and Kickers (ages 12-13)
Mercy Montessori children begin swimming lessons at age 3.
The Mercy swim team is open to Mercy boys and girls from levels 1-8. More than 50 children participate in the program each year.
The Season
Practices will begin the second Monday of November and will conclude after the second or third week in February. We usually hold three swim meets: two in January and one in February.
Practice is held twice per week in the Mercy pool.
Track & Field
Track and Field at Mercy is open to boys and girls levels 4th-8th. Mercy competes in the CYO.
The Season
Meets begin after Easter and run through late-May. There are typically four to five meets per season including the CYO Championship Meet.
Volleyball is offered to all girls at Mercy in Levels 4-8. Teams are formed based on interest and parent volunteerism for coaching.
Mercy baseball is open to all boys and girls in Levels K-8. Teams are formed based on interest and parent volunteerism for coaching.
- President: Todd Majors
- Soccer Coordinator: Becky Cull
- Volleyball Coordinator: Jill Prosser
- Basketball Coordinator: Carl Dieso
- Swim Team Coordinators: Ben Middendorf, Patty Normile
- Track Coordinator: Karen Majors
Mercy Montessori does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sexual orientation, or national and ethnic origin in the administration of its admission policies, financial aid, and other school-administered programs.
Mercy offers several extracurriculars for our students during the school year. Extracurriculars are offered based on interest and volunteerism. Examples of our extracurricular programs include:
- Hiking Club
- Cooking Club
- Crafty Kids Club
- Power of the Pen
- Girls Club
- Creative Writing Workshop
- Girl Scouts