The Prepared Environment

“The things he sees are not just remembered; they form part of his soul.”                   

Dr. Maria Montessori

The environment is the backbone to a Montessori classroom. The teacher is trained to present specific materials at the developmentally appropriate time and through the consistent repetition of the materials, the students naturally carry information into their long term memory.  There are many features of our classroom that make it a wonderful place to learn, day in and day out.

Our carefully prepared environment:

  • Has spaces that support individual learning, small group lessons and whole class instruction
  • Our room is open and spacious with beautiful windows and natural light
  • Students isolate their work on tables or rugs which support concentration
  • Walls are uncluttered with beautiful pieces of art
  • Each area of the curriculum is easily defined, organized, and sequenced on natural wood shelves
  • The design and flow of the classroom creates a learning environment that accommodates choice
  • The size of the materials, tables, chairs, and sink supports the students independence
  • There is always a quiet, reflective space for students to read a book, look at pictures and sometimes listen to music
  • Our classroom has a feeling of home with rugs, plants, lamps and fresh flowers
  • The environment is full of concrete didactic materials that teach a single concept and are self correcting
  • A feeling of a community in the classroom, supporting and honoring each student and the gifts they bring to the group

The prepared environment offers the essential elements for optimal learning and we are blessed to offer this beautiful environment to your children.


Written by Rosemary Quaranta