Mercy Students Support the Children of Ronald McDonald House
Steve’s upper elementary circle completed a community service project benefitting the Ronald McDonald House of Cincinnati; they organized an all-school collection of extra Halloween candy from trick or treating. The Ronald McDonald House offers housing and support to the families of youngsters receiving medical care at nearby Cincinnati hospitals. Donated candy was delivered to the many children (and their siblings) who did not have the opportunity to enjoy Halloween because of serious health issues.
Marybeth’s 9-12 circle also selected the Ronald McDonald House for a community service experience. Students completed research of the many needs of the House and collectively decided to make snack bags for the temporary residents. The bags were designed for families to grab as they head out for a long day spent at the hospital.
Marybeth was pleased that the project was completely “student driven … they created the list of needed items, wrote notes asking parents for help, decided to decorate the bags, and created inspirational quotes to put into them. Once supplies came in, our circle dated and packed up the bags.” Students then made arrangements for a tour of the Ronald McDonald facility to coincide with the dropping off of their donation. “What an impact it had on our kids to see who they were helping. What an amazing place!” reported Marybeth.