Congratulations 2014 Confirmandi Class

Congratulations to our students and their sponsors who celebrated the sacrament of confirmation on November 5th at St. Peter in Chains Cathedral. Our celebration was coordinated with St. Ursula Villa. Keith Kaiser helped prepare our Confirmandi class.

Name (Confirmation Name) 

Caitlin Barnes (Rose)

Will Bronsil (Rodríguez)

Katherine Cassedy (Suzanne)

Lucia Castellini (Elizabeth)

Drake Cooper (Anthony)

Grace Coughlin (Marina)

Sophia Dugan (Maria)

Mary Gartner (Ann)

Rosa Gerner (Elizabeth)

Evan Hall (James)

Ciara Homan (Jane)

Courtney Keesee (Catherine)

Nick Klus (John)

Daniel Kunkel (Joseph)

Hope Lewandowski (Quiteria)

Cara Nestor (Catherine)

J. P. Normile (Matthew)

Maddi O’Connell (Elizabeth)

Audrey Peters (Joan)

Oscar Stehlin (Anthony)

Grace Yi (Teresa)